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 Presence & Power Leadership Retreat

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October 25-27, 2019
Boulder Colorado

What does Power & Presence mean? As a leader, myself, I find it easy to sacrifice myself self-care and my voice for the sake of others. In doing so, the compromise is great! It led me to resentment, sadness, and loss of identity. As I work to restore the balance and rediscover what is truly important to me, I am regaining my presence and power Every.Single.Day! I ask for what I want while still considering others needs, I stand with confidence for what I offer in this world, and I feel a deeper connection to myself and others.


Come join me and my partner, Dana Wodtke, in a weekend retreat to learn how to gain back your power and presence in a meaningful way that moves you forward! We will look at what you want, what is holding you back and how to move forward with other women who share similar dreams!


Consider joining us for transformation, fun, and connection!


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